Nigel Slater’s recipe for raw winter slaw with herby mayo | Salad

This is a really useful herb-speckled mayonnaise, to toss with crunchy raw veg for a quick lunch or to serve as an accompaniment.

Place 4 rashers of smoked streaky bacon on a shallow grill pan and cook under an overhead grill until crisp.

Remove the rashers and drain on kitchen paper, then cut into short lengths about the size of a postage stamp.

Peel 125g each of beetroot, carrot and kohlrabi. Shred them using a coarse grater, then mix together in a large bowl.

Finely slice 200g of crisp white or red cabbage and add to the bowl.

For the herb mayonnaise, mix together 4 tbsp of plain yoghurt with the same amount of mayonnaise and season with salt and pepper.

Finely chop 2 tbsp each of coriander leaves and mint, then stir them into the dressing along with a good squeeze of blood orange or lemon juice.

Toss the dressing and shredded vegetables together until well combined, then scatter with a handful of sprouted seeds (radish, mung, sunflower, etc) and the pieces of crisp bacon. Serves 2. Ready in 45 minutes

I can recommend smoked almonds as an alternative to the bacon. The hickory-smoked variety are particularly additive. I pick them up in wholefood stores.

You could stir a tbsp of curry paste into the mayonnaise if you wish, or a tsp of miso (in which case omit the mint).

Celeriac is an alternative to the beetroot, but I recommend keeping the carrot in there for a hint of sweetness.

I also like adding a coarsely grated apple to this, too – it works particularly well with a curried mayonnaise.

Follow Nigel on Instagram @NigelSlater

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